Monday, September 30, 2019

The Species At Risk Act Environmental Sciences Essay

The Speciess at Risk Act ( SARA ) was proclaimed in June 2003, and is one portion of a three portion Government of Canada scheme for the protection of wildlife species at hazard. This three portion scheme besides includes committednesss under the Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk and activities under the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk. In add-on, it complements bing Torahs and understandings to supply for the legal protection of wildlife species and preservation of biological diverseness. The Act aims to forestall wildlife species from going nonextant, and to procure the necessary actions for their recovery. The Act recognises that the protection of wildlife species is a joint duty and that all Canadians have a function to play in the protection of wildlife. It applies to all federal lands in Canada ; all wildlife species listed as being at hazard ; and their critical home ground. Please view the followers for a more elaborate sum-up of the Act ‘s: Aim The intents of the Act are to forestall Canadian autochthonal species, races, and distinguishable populations from going extirpated or nonextant, to supply for the recovery of endangered or threatened species, and promote the direction of other species to forestall them from going at hazard. More specifically, the Act will: set up the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada ( COSEWIC ) as an independent organic structure of experts responsible for measuring and placing species at hazard ; require that the best available cognition be used to specify long and short-run aims in a recovery scheme and action program ; create prohibitions to protect listed threatened and endangered species and their critical home ground ; acknowledge that compensation may be needed to guarantee equity following the infliction of the critical home ground prohibitions ; make a public register to help in doing paperss under the Act more accessible to the populace ; and be consistent with Aboriginal and pact rights and respect the authorization of other federal curates and provincial authoritiess. SARA is a consequence of the execution of the Canadian Biodiversity Strategy, which is in response to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The Act provides federal statute law to forestall wildlife species from going nonextant and to supply for their recovery. Process Chart 1. Monitoring starts with an stock list of wildlife species to acquire an thought of the population position and tendency, its ecological map, and a manner of tracking information. As a consequence, the Minister publishes the study on the general position of wildlife species, every 5 old ages. 2. The species assessment procedure is conducted by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada ( COSEWIC ) . Based on the position study, they use a commission of experts to carry on a species appraisal and delegate the position of a wildlife species believed to be at some grade of hazard nationally. 3. In response to an appraisal and position appellation, the Minister issues a response statement. This papers reflects the jurisdictional committedness to action and acts as a start to the national recovery procedure. 4. A recovery scheme outlines what is scientifically required for the successful recovery of a species at hazard. This includes an designation of its critical home ground and what demands should be addressed. An action program so identifies those specific actions needed to assist in the species recovery as identified in the recovery scheme. This includes the assorted undertakings and activities with associated timelines. 5. Evaluation plans are carried out against the ends and aims of the recovery scheme and action program, where they are most effectual. As a consequence, the Minister must bring forth an one-year study on the disposal and execution of the Act. Monitoring, appraisal, response, recovery, and rating are ongoing procedures that are taken to better the species position and ecosystem. Responsible Governments This subdivision provides information on the functions and duties of the cardinal sections, commissions, and councils tasked with transporting out activities under the Act. In general, the Minister of Environment is responsible for the overall disposal, except when the Act gives duty to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. Department of Environment Department of Fisheries and Oceans Parks Canada Agency Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada National Aboriginal Council on Species at Risk Department of Environment The Minister of Environment is responsible for the overall coordination of the federal species at hazard scheme, including the execution of federal activities in support of the Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk in Canada ( the Accord ) , the disposal of the Habitat Stewardship Program for species at hazard, and the Interdepartmental Recovery Fund. The Minister of Environment is besides responsible for the protection and recovery of migratory birds and species at hazard on federal lands other than those under the duty of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans or those persons under the duty of Parks Canada Agency. Under the Accord, it is understood that the states and districts will set about actions and enforce prohibitions for the preservation of species at hazard under their legal power. In add-on, the Minister of the Environment is responsible for the induction and facilitation of multi-jurisdictional recovery squads, and for organizing the development of recovery schemes for species necessitating the engagement of more than one legal power. The Minister of the Environment will try to come in into understandings with states and districts for them to develop recovery schemes for species under their direction duty. Visit the Environment Canada website & A ; gt ; Department of Fisheries and Oceans The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans is responsible for the protection and recovery of aquatic species at hazard under federal legal power, other than persons under the duty of the Minister of the Environment in the instance of persons found on National Wildlife Areas, and Parks Canada Agency. The Minister is responsible for implementing the necessary preservation and protection steps under the Species at Risk Act for aquatic species on the legal protection list. Aquatic species to be protected includes fish or Marine works species defined as such under the federal Fisheries Act, and those which have been assessed against COSEWIC ‘s categorization standards. The Minister will work closely with both the Minister of Environment and Parks Canada Agency, to guarantee common and consistent attacks within the federal authorities to protecting species at hazard. Visit the Department of Fisheries and Oceans website & amp ; gt ; Parks Canada Agency Parks Canada Agency is responsible for the development of recovery schemes for those species that occur in Canada chiefly in national Parkss, national historic sites and other federal protected heritage countries under the authorization of the Minister. The Minister is besides responsible for the direction and recovery of species found in national Parkss and lands administered by the Minister. Visit the Parks Canada Agency website & A ; gt ; Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council The Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council ( CESCC ) consists of the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and Curates of the provincial / territorial authoritiess who are responsible for the preservation and direction of a wildlife species in that state or district. The function of CESCC is to supply general way on the activities of COSEWIC ; organize the activities of the assorted authoritiess represented on the Council relating to the protection of species at hazard ; and seek and see advice and recommendations from the National Aboriginal Council on species at hazard. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada ( COSEWIC ) provides advice to authorities on the position of wildlife species and was established for the first clip as a legal entity under the Species at Risk Act. COSEWIC is composed of qualified wildlife experts drawn from the federal, provincial, and territorial authoritiess, wildlife direction boards, Aboriginal groups, universities, museums, national non-governmental organisations and others with expertness in the preservation of wildlife species in Canada. Members are appointed by the Minister of Environment after audience with the Council ( CESCC ) and appropriate experts. COSEWIC operates at arm ‘s length from authorities in an unfastened and crystalline procedure, keeping impartial scientific and adept opinion in its appraisal of wildlife species. The function of COSEWIC is to measure and sort the position of wildlife species utilizing the best available information on the biological position of a species, including scientific cognition, community cognition, and Aboriginal traditional cognition. COSEWIC classifies wildlife species and studies to the CESCC. Visit the COSEWIC website & A ; gt ; National Aboriginal Council on Species at Risk The National Aboriginal Council on Species at Risk ( NACOSAR ) is an consultative council comprised of six representatives of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada selected by the Minister of Environment based upon recommendations from Aboriginal organisations that the Minister considers appropriate. The function of the Council is to rede the Minister on the Administration of the Act and supply advice and recommendations to the Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council ( CESCC ) under subdivision 8.1 and 8.2 of the Speciess at Risk Act ( SARA ) . 2 ) infusion from the Office of the Auditor General of Canada, 2008 March Status Report of the Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development, Chapter 5 Ecosystems – Protection of Speciess at Risk ( viewed Feb. 11, 2009 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // Main Points What we examined As of June 2007, there were 389 species in Canada listed as at hazard on Schedule 1 of the 2002 Speciess at Risk Act. Under the Act, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans are responsible for fixing recovery schemes, action programs, and direction programs for species at hazard for which they are the competent curate. In 2001, we found that there was a demand for better baseline information to enable the authorities to efficaciously pull off species at hazard. We recommended that Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Parks Canada develop a comprehensive stock list of species at hazard under their legal power and guarantee that recovery schemes for these species be developed and implemented. The three organisations agreed with our recommendations. Although our 2001 audit focused on activities in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin, the three organisations manage their activities on a national footing and hence, for this Status Report we examined advancement made on our recommendation by the responsible sections from a national position. We besides examined conformity with subdivisions of the 2002 Speciess at Risk Act, which came into force after our last audit but which relate to our recommendations. These subdivisions of the Act have specific and normative demands sing recovery schemes. Why it ‘s of import Apart from its intrinsic value as portion of Canada ‘s natural heritage, Canada ‘s biodiversity, including wild species of workss and animate beings, represents a huge depot of biological resources. The workss, mammals, and aquatic species found in ecosystems are mutualist and hence keeping ecological diverseness is of import to keeping the wellness and unity of the environment. Although it may travel unnoticed by most people, the loss of one or two cardinal species can hold ripple effects across an ecosystem with potentially important effects on our quality of life. Harmonizing to assorted scientific beginnings, human activities in the 21st century have greatly increased the rate at which species are vanishing. What we found Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada have made unsatisfactory advancement in reacting to our 2001 recommendation associating to the development of a comprehensive stock list of species at hazard, while Parks Canada has made satisfactory advancement on this recommendation. The three organisations have made unsatisfactory advancement in reacting to our 2001 recommendation associating to the development of recovery schemes and have non complied with specific deadline demands established by the Speciess at Risk Act. As of June 2007, recovery schemes should hold been completed for 228 species at hazard, but recovery schemes completed at that day of the month reference merely 55 of those species. Departments and organisations are besides required under the Act to place to the extent possible, critical home ground necessary for the endurance or recovery of species at hazard. As of June 2007, critical home ground had been identified for 16 of the 228 species at hazard for which recovery schemes were due. Despite the advancement noted at Parks Canada, the federal authorities as a whole has made unsatisfactory advancement in reacting to our 2001 recommendations associating to the development of a comprehensive stock list of species at hazard and of recovery schemes. While work is under manner to develop appropriate informations sharing understandings with 3rd parties, such as provincial and territorial authoritiess, and non-governmental organisations such as Nature Serve, stock list informations aggregations vary across Canada. Ongoing betterments to informations quality and information consistence are needed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Critical theory and professionalism Essay

In what ways can critical theory shed light on professionalism? This presentation explores how critical theory can provide a perspective for critiquing professionalism in education. In so doing the nature of the relationship between the professionalisation and social movement trends in education is addressed. An attempt at a definition of professionalism is going to be the focus of the first part of the presentation. Several concepts articulated within critical theory are discussed for their relevance to the issue of professionalism. The work of the Frankfurt School is underlined, drawing parallels to the work of Gramsci and Freire. In the final analysis, specific issues and questions raised by the perspective of Critical Theory are reflected upon as they apply to the professionalisation of education. The concept of professionalism Literature on professionalism is in its abundance. There have been many attempts at providing a clear definition, including the government-led agendas calling for higher degrees on professionalism in education. It can be noted at the outset that attempts at coming up with a definition of professionalism in education have struggled to agree on a particular one. Freidson (1994) has concluded that the use of the term professionalism is inconsistent. He argues that professionalism is ‘The Third Logic’, claiming that professions are occupational groupings that exercise relatively high degrees of control over the conditions as well as how they carry out their work. This kind of arrangement provides a mechanism for organising some aspects of social life in a way that properly deploys specialist knowledge. Professionalism is therefore viewed as a mode of social coordination and competes with, and provides some insulation from, both market and bureaucratic forms of organisation. It has also been viewed as â€Å"a state of mind† or ideology that reflects a way of thinking about the cognitive aspects of a profession and the characteristics that typify a professional (Van Ruler, 2005). In other words, in the case of teaching, professionalism is the cultural means by which we give meaning, purpose, definition, and direction to work as professionals and the place of practitioners in society. It can therefore be claimed that there is no universal agreement of the concept. It has been implored by some authorities for teaching to become evidence-based profession like medicine and law. Hargreaves, for example describes teaching as the â€Å"paradoxical profession†. He asserts that of all the jobs that are, or aspires to be professions, only teaching is expected to create the human skills and capacities that will enable individuals and organizations to survive and succeed. (Hargreaves, 2003). Carr (1992) has suggested that in this ‘extended’ view of educational professionalism, education and teaching are to be understood by reference to the elaborative network of public duties, obligations and responsibilities in which teaching as a social role is implicated. It can be asserted that if teaching is a profession, there has been an assumption that teachers should be equipped with capacities for autonomous judgement and the freedom to exercise this judgement. It could be considered inappropriate for politicians or employers to dictate to teachers what is or is not worthy of inclusion in the school curriculum, or what kinds of knowledge and skill are crucial for the professional conduct of teaching. It is with this view in mind that Flinders (1980) has argued that teaching is an open-ended activity. Helsby (1995) claims that professionalism is subject to geographical and cultural differences and it can be understood as relating to exceptional standards of behaviour, dedication as well as a strong service ethic. This view is supported by Bryan (2003) who argues that professional work can be seen to be increasingly influenced by politics. This can be justified by the claim that the policies of governments are ideologically driven, hence professionalism may be understood as constructs which develop in response to ideological influences. Thomas (2012) uses professionalism as a descriptor of a combination of teachers’ specific capabilities and knowledge, the purpose and ethical underpinnings of their work, the extent to which they are able to exercise independent and critical judgement, their role in shaping and leading changes in their field, and their relationship to other stakeholders. Despite the vicissitude of the notion of professionalism in education, standard analyses of how this concept can be applied in public services such as teaching and nursing have stressed the importance of specialist knowledge  and expertise, ethical codes as well as procedures concerned with training, induction and continuing professional development (Flexner, 1915; Larson, 1977; Langford, 1978; Eraut, 1994). Attached to this view of professionalism is the assumption that in exchange for a greater say in matters related to school and teaching, teachers are expected to submit to greater levels of scrutiny and work roles that go beyond classroom teaching (Stone-Johnson, 2013). In this exchange there is a shift of power whereby as the work of the teachers becomes increasingly professionalised, teachers appear to have surrendered degrees of professionalism. The critical project in education supervenes from the postulation that pedagogical practices are linked to social practices, and that it is the task of the critical intellectual to identify and address injustices in these practices. The Frankfurt School’s perception of Critical Theory was driven by an underlying commitment to the notion that theory as well as practice must inform the work of those who seek to transform the oppressive conditions that exist in the world. Their ideas influenced other great critical theorists such as Freire and Gramsci. If the notion of critical theory is to be linked to the debate on professionalism, it can be argued that the development of critical pedagogy out of critical theory has changed the way through which the role of the teacher is seen, particularly the professional position of the teacher in the society. It has been argued that there has been a widespread erosion of professional autonomy in recent years (Barton et al, 1994, Whitty et al 1998). This has been a result of the centralisation of control over all aspects of teacher’s work such as curriculum (National Curriculum, literacy and numeracy hours), assessment, (SATs, QAA/ Ofsted Inspections) and conditions of service (imposed by the employers in a controlled quasi-market regulated by centralist funding formulae, league tables and inspection regimes.) (Freidson, 2001). This can be corroborated by a survey of teachers carried by Helsby and McCulloch (1997) as it showed that the government onslaught of edicts and initiatives demolished professionalism. It has been argued the formulation of policy documents have positioned the teacher as fundamentally impotent in terms of curriculum design. The teacher  has been reduced to a mere curriculum deliverer. This is mainly to system of communication that is viewed as one-sided by educational critiques. Murphy and Fleming (2010) have attempted to deal with this issue by using the Habermas’ notion of communicative action. They argue that, for Habermas, the essential feature of communicative action is that it aims at reaching agreement. Furthermore in order for that agreement to be not only mutually acceptable but satisfactory, its participants must be willing to make and defend validity claims such as claims of truth, rightness and truthfulness. Habermas’ notion accedes to the fact that while validity claims are raised automatically in everyday communication, it is only when communication aims primarily at reaching consensus, and when participants provide reasons for their argument, that rationality actually manifests itself. It can be argued that in the case of professionalism, Critical Theory is meant to herald a liberatory education that empowers stakeholders, fosters curiosity and critical thinking, and provides a means for crucial successful bottom-up, top-down engagement in the political arena. The introduction of a prescriptive and centralised National Curriculum has greatly weakened the professional confidence of teachers, (Helsby and McCulloch, 1997). It has also left them uncertain of their ability to cope and of their right to take major curriculum decisions. This has resulted in the government having more control over the teaching profession, (Meyer- Emerick, 2004). Critical theory prefers to call this process ‘one-dimensionality’ of life. Thus this extended the existing understanding of power and its impact on the construction of knowledge. Gramsci was deeply concerned with the manner in which domination was undergoing major shifts and changes within the industrial western societies. He developed a theory of hegemony, whereby he sought to explain the manner by which these changes were exercised more and more through the moral leaders of the society (including teachers) who participated in and reinforced universal ‘common sense’ notions of what is considered to be truth in society. This is consonant with Foucault’s questioning of what he termed ‘regimes of truth’ that were upheld and perpetuated through the manner in which particular knowledge was legitimated within the context of a variety of power relationships within the society. Foucault’s perceptions of power is not  solely at play in the context of domination, but also in the context of creative acts of resistance and these are produced as human beings are interact across the dynamic of relationship and shaped by moments of dominance and autonomy. Such a viewpoint challenges the dichotomised standpoint of either domination or powerlessness of power as enticed by radi cal education theorists. Thus it can be argued that Foucault’s writing on knowledge and power shed light on a critical understanding of the teaching profession in relation to authority. More so it does open the door to a better understanding of power relations within the context of teaching practice.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Summery Children Need to Play, Not Compete by Jessika Statsky Essay

Summery Children Need to Play, Not Compete by Jessika Statsky - Essay Example With that information Statsky aims at educating parents on the harm that the adult standards imposed on children games such as the selecting procedures and the high urge to win have especially on children aged between six and twelve years. Statsky explains that the discussed harmful effects on children emanate from both contact and noncontact sports. Statsky proposes that organized games should allow children to have fun while playing regardless of the results (Statsky 270-274). Therefore, this paper will evaluate the argument brought forth by Statsky to determine whether it is logical, appropriate and consistent. From my point of view, Statsky is partly right although stringent measures should be implemented to ensure that psychological, physical and emotional harmful effects brought forth by competitive games are completely curbed. Competition is part of life that every individual must consistently go through whether at school, in the chosen career path and the society at large. In actual sense, competition is more intense in the life of adults. Therefore, it is important to be subjected to competition at early stages of life so as to understand issues like quitters never win. This will help children to learn and live by competition principles thereby molding a strong and positive character. Conversely, organized games help children to acquire sportsmanship skills and character thereby fully setting their talents into practice. Moreover, they gain the required high self esteem, confidence and general positive perception about themselves. These are virtues that cannot be taught or instilled in them and they are highly important in their development. They enable children to learn strategies of attaining success and dealing with failure. For instance, when in preschool I used to be an active player of various types of games both contact and noncontact. The enthusiasm of the sports was derived from the fact that we were competing between each other. One even had the eagerness and desire to indulge in the new sports events. The notion was to be viewed as a hero before the eyes of colleagues thereby enabling us to have high self esteem and confidence. On the other hand, the competing factor gave the desire to have the required hype, fun, eagerness and pressure of having to perfect and excite at the same time. On the other side, the notion of competition brings in the necessity of training hard so as to win and achieve the prize that is always accompanied with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. In addition, the spirit of competition used to bring team unity, closeness and team working. In fact, a better relationship between the team members was established. Therefore, from the above facts I oppose Statsky theory that children should not be subjected to competition. Instead, they should be allowed to play without the notion of winning or losing. This is because the competition aspect gives children a practical view of social life tha t adults go through; a life where they have no option than to struggle and win or put less effort and fail. However, parents and teachers should give them the option of whether to participate in a competition or not. Moreover, they should not be subjected to intense competition that will strike rivalry between them but instead the competition should be ecstatic. This will also enable the children to learn

Friday, September 27, 2019

Implementation of Balance Score Card (BSC) Essay

Implementation of Balance Score Card (BSC) - Essay Example Balance Score Card (BSC) is a framework for measuring performance on strategic level and accounts both financial and non financial measures (Banker, Chang, and Pizzini. 2011). BSC, since introduced by Kaplan and Norton in the early 1990s, has been adopted by large number of organizations. It is called BSC as it attempts to balance between short and long term goals while maintaining balance between financial and non financial variable (Kalpan, 2010). Proponents of BSC claim that it has many beneficial features that makes it preferred choice; such as connecting vision with strategy and activities down the hierarchy; cause and effect relationship of performance drivers with outcome etc (Chavan, 2009). Other feature that makes it most advocated is the fact of providing performance measurement and goal oriented guidance by combining variables or perspectives (2GC Limited, 2011). With agreement on benefits BSC offers to organization, fact remains that due benefit from BSC can only be avail ed based on appropriate and well thought implementation and there has been considerable debate on the implementation of BSC. This paper is also aimed to investigate and analyze success or failure of BSC that can be attributed to the appropriate implementation. Followed by introduction is the literature review of past academic studies done in the selected domain. Research methodology contains information related to method adopted to address the selected question. Analysis section provides analysis of the case studies selected to address the aim of this research. Finally, conclusion provides response to the question based on evidence collected in analysis section. LITERATURE REVIEW There is immense literature available on the BSC from various perspectives. This section will draw some relevant literature to BSC, its implementation with its proponents and critics. The section will also draw references related to implementation phase and cause implementation failure. Variation in studies are present that discussed increase in the adoption BSC due to the benefits it offers while others revealed firm’s decision of not adopting BSC due to less benefit it offers in proportion to the efforts required to implement it (Cardinaels, Paula, and Veen-Dirks. 2010). BSC has also undergone critical evaluation of assumptions on which it is built; such as managers’ capacity to link strategy to operational matrices in different departments and levels and issues related to designing BSC related to the respective organization etc (Geuser, Mooraj, and Oyon. 2009). Hence, discussion from various perspectives to explore possible deviation (Neely, 2005) while each aspect, directly or indirectly, referred to the factors that lead or hamper successful implementation of BSC. PEA, for instance, suggested complete procedure to develop balance score card to meet the challenges posed by other performance measurement in procurement organizations. It provided detailed guidance for a ll four perspectives including customer, financial, internal business processes and learning and growth perspective. It was also aimed to develop a model that allows comparability among various organizations along with providing a comprehensive performance measurement system (as given in image below (Procurement Executives’ Association, 2000). Hence, BSC shall be devised with adaptability to the nature and size of the firm (Rompho, 2011). Richardson (2004) provided six elements to be employed for the successful implementation of balance score card. These six elements include: first, development of strategy; second, involvement of strategic management and feedback from other management level of the new strategy; third, development of balance score card and its vision while both being aligned with vision of organization; fourth, implementation of balance score card performance measurement systems all around the organization and each level; fifth, communicating and educating the objective of BSC to employees and lastly

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why do I want to be a Teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why do I want to be a Teacher - Essay Example Teaching is a very dignified profession as a teacher imparts knowledge to the children so that they learn and become successful individuals. Teaching has been my passion. It forms an integral part of my life. This is the reason why I chose to apply for a professional studies program, Child Associate Development (CDA) Certificate which is in association with the New York Early Childhood Development Institute. It is by far the best program I have come across in New York, which offers all the facilities for the trainees. Known to permit individuals to acquire a great deal of knowledge, it provides the desired skills necessary to enhance the career development. It gives the students the opportunity to earn credit which can be transferred to a variety of programs on campus. I am optimistic about the fact that this program is going to help me in effective communication, polish my creative and critical thinking and aid me in learning to equip myself with the latest technology. The course wi ll enable me to pursue the advanced studies in the same field and meet the standards of the curriculum which is tested for its reliability and validity. I have always sought to perform definitive tasks in the learning process so that I am able to capture the content and learn to apply it in a real life professional scenario. I am looking forward to make full use of the objectives of this certificate so that I am able to achieve and excel in dealing with children and their families. In order to be able demonstrate my expertise in the pedagogical aspect of child development; I intend to make frequent visits to toddlers’ institutes to familiarize with the new methods of teaching and the practical aspect of education. I seek to learn from my mistakes and have full faith in the program that it will facilitate me in examining and reflecting on my teaching style. The institute promises to train its candidates through the use of several hands-on activities which can benefit the young learners as they need to concentrate while learning. I also hope that through this certificate I would be able to reach out to the parents of the infants who need to be equally assisted with the skills and resources that I will be employing on my students. All this with the aid of skilled trainers will help me grow into a better educationalist than many others who do not have the opportunity to be a part of this program. I want to accomplish the best from this program and reproduce the best material which can help millions of toddlers to grow into optimistic learns and leaders of the nation. This might appear to be a farfetched notion but for me it has always been my goal to achieve the best and help others achieve it as well. I believe that a teacher plays an eminent role in the pupils’ life. It is the role of my teachers which has compelled me to aim so high and work towards higher goals. In the end, it is all about self-satisfaction when it comes to nurturing a tiny human to turn into a better citizen and a successful professional. The field of education is too vast and offers a great deal of opportunities for all the degrees of education. Each area is rapidly developing into a separate department and requires more and more people to join so that more research work can be performed and new methods could be derived through careful experiments on classroom teaching methodologies and the quality of education which requires a constant upgrading and analysis of the curriculum. I believe that by being part of this institute and certificate, I would be able to become a part of the grand academia which is awaiting a new dimension in the field of education that deals with the child development. Teaching and training of infants and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Research Proposal Example cy makers to launch programs on financial support under the administrative powers of Saudi Industrial Development Fund so that loan guarantees are offered to the Saudi banks to engage in feasible lending to the SMEs. The initiatives for providing financial support to the SMEs in Saudi economy have been presented as follows. The small and medium enterprises are such organizations that are comparatively smaller in size and whose employee strength falls below a certain number as designated by the authorities. The categorization of small and medium enterprises have been decided by the authorities like the World Bank, World trade Organization, etc. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the small and medium enterprises are categorized according to specified criteria designed by the Saudi Industrial Development Fund (Burke and Jarratt, 2004, p.126). The enterprises that earn revenues less than Rls 20 million on an annual basis could be termed as small and medium enterprises in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In order to standardize the criteria for classifying entities as small and medium enterprises, the World Bank has taken responses from the commercial banks in order to remove the differences in classification criteria in several countries. The standardized range that is followed for classifying entities in the cat egory of small enterprises is that the annual sales of the entity should fall with the bracket of Rls 1 lac to Rls 5 million with employee strength of 2 to 49 people. The entities that have annual revenue earnings of Rls 5 million to Rls 50 million and employee strength of 50 to 200 people fall in the category of medium enterprises (Achoui, 2009, p.36). The small and medium enterprises play an important role in the context to economic development. The small and medium enterprises are large in numbers as compared to the large business houses. Although the number of employees employed by the small and medium enterprises is low, the cumulative employment offered by the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Legal Policies and Procedures to Refer a Student with a Perceived Essay

Legal Policies and Procedures to Refer a Student with a Perceived Impairment for Evaluation - Essay Example The assessments that are done and the parental meetings between school administrations and the family are a central part of helping children gain a good and solid educational experience. The conclusion defines that without the implementation of IDEA many years ago there would still be many children missing out on the right to learn in a public environment. It also concludes that although there are still many issues that need to be worked out it is a positive influence in the educational system and does make a difference for many special needs children and the families. IDEA was first initiated in 1975 in order to provide all children the right to a public education in the United States (Department of Education 1997). The history can relatively speak for itself because before IDEA's implementation into the educational system there was no place for special needs children and they were left shut out of the school system. Research defines the approximate percentage of young people who were facing disclusion to have been at 1 million and then another 100,000 did not receive the appropriate services that they desperately needed (Department of Education 1997). ... Now those with learning disabilities and other special needs have excelled in the public schooling environment and have gone on to colleges and universities all around the world. They have definitely surpassed what legislators and other policy makers had ever thought they had the ability of achieving so these are all very positive things. When a truly in-depth comparison is done one can see how way back in the seventies when children were often housed in institutions, today they have made great strides. Today, three times the number of children that were in those state institutions have developed the knowledge and social skills to be able to go on to college and many people with several disabilities now have opportunities to work in public environments where beforehand they did not (Department of Education 1997). Obviously it is remarkable how certain policies and specialized programs can make a difference in thousands of people's lives. The Six Key Components of the Original IDEA When President Ford initially signed this program into the United States Educational system there existed six original components of it that laid out the strategic framework and clearly defined eligibility and other requirements that were a fundamental part of it (Associated Content 2006). The first section of the 1975 IDEA act was titled, "Entitlements and Allocations" (Associated Content 2006). This area was meant to bring about a way to implement the program into the system in the most logical fashion possible. Many of those that had been involved with the induction of this program had to work to find ways to bring cohesion into the public school system utilizing a humanitarian proposal that allowed for all students

Monday, September 23, 2019

Perceptions of RN associated with screening for PPD Dissertation

Perceptions of RN associated with screening for PPD - Dissertation Example It has been found that postpartum depression not only has both short- and long-term consequences for the mother but also for her newborn child and thus its timely recognition, diagnosis and treatment is vital (Field, 2010). Statistics reveal that each year, approximately 400,000 infants are born to depressed mothers who are thus, at a risk of having adverse emotional, behavioral and physical health outcomes (Joy, 2011). As stated by Beck (2002), postpartum depression is â€Å"a dangerous thief that robs mothers of the love and happiness they expected to feel toward their newborn babies (Beck, 2002, p. 453)†. Studies have revealed that in short term, the mothering practices that become compromised due to the detrimental effects of PPD on the mother’s attitude towards the child include breastfeeding practices, sleep routines, visits to the well child clinic and follow-ups for vaccinations, and overall safety practices (Field, 2010). Moreover, in long-term, PPD impairs con ducive interactions between the mother and the child, negatively impacts nurturance and leads to poor parenting all of which contribute towards negative outcomes for the child, including and not limited to, poorer cognitive development, greater incidence of behavioral issues (such as antisocial and risk taking behaviors) and constrained social interactions on the part of the child such as less sociability (Beck, 2002; Field, 2010). Since this disorder is so common and has such serious and long lasting consequences, it is imperative that appropriate interventions be undertaken in a timely manner in order to prevent the occurrence of the aforementioned negative outcomes. Moreover, as pointed out before, since culture is an important determinant in the etiology of PPD, and postpartum depression has been defined as a â€Å"culture-bound syndrome† (Zubaran, Schumacher, Roxo, & Foresti, 2010) it is important for health care professionals to be aware of the role of culture in the ca usation of PPD and the management, including both diagnosis and treatment, of this disorder should be tailored using a transcultural approach. It has been elucidated that nurses play a significant role in the management of PPD, since they are involved in both screening the women for PPD and also in its treatment, including the provision of counseling services and appropriate referral services when required (Driscoll, 2006). In order to facilitate the provision of these services, nurses need to be culturally sensitive and should approach each woman keeping in mind her cultural, racial and ethnic background and offer culturally appropriate solutions accordingly (Callister, Beckstrand, & Corbett, 2010). Till date most of the literature centered around postpartum depression is predominantly quantitative in nature and the few qualitative studies that do exist focus on elucidating the role of culture in the etiology and causation of PPD. There is a paucity of studies focusing on determini ng the nurses’ experiences and perceptions in providing care for women suffering from postpartum depression, which is pertinent in this setting as nurses are the primary caregivers for patients suffering from postpartum depression. Moreover, there is also an acute shortage of studies examining the different culture appropriate solut

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Guide in Analyzing Movies Essay Example for Free

A Guide in Analyzing Movies Essay Watching movies is one of the best ways to relax, enjoy, and learn. Some people watch movies for recreational purposes, while others do this to learn new ideas or things. However, as a movie progresses into its climax, one would notice that he or she is getting involved in the movie by thinking how the conflict will be resolved. After watching the movie, a reaction or feedback is drawn as one tries to communicate or narrate the story to someone who has not watched the film. Reactions are mostly about the content of the movies and little on its technical aspect. This is true especially if the movie is based on a real life story, romance, or a story of nationalistic concern. If the theme of a movie is scientific or an adaptation of a fictional novel, most audience critics the film based on the technical aspect of the production. Whether the audience is reacting positively or negatively on the content of the movie or whether the audience is critiquing the film’s technical production, he or she is already in the process of analyzing the film. There are different approaches from which to analyze a movie, and these approaches may depend on the genre of the film one had watched and wanted to analyze. Yet, in order for one to write a movie analysis, he or she must first know the different components of a film which include the theme, story, plot, characters or actors, acting, cinematography, and technical aspect such as lightning, music and sound effects, camera shots, and editing. Feedback about the film depends on the mixture of these components; such mixing is done by the film director. He or she acts as if he or she is cooking a delicacy that will be judged by his or her customer. This essay discusses the basic guideline on how to analyze a film and how meaning in the film should be interpreted. Again, this guideline may vary depending on the type of the movie one is trying to analyze. A cine-magazine, for example, contains different topics; thus, there is little unity on the scenes. Uniformity of style and treatment are not given too much consideration because cine-magazine contains different stories. The scenes in an educational film, on the other hand, have greater unity because it is normally devoted to a single subject, such as the evolution of man or the process of respiratory system. A documentary film, in contrast, goes further. It has a single subject that presents or advances an argument. Having these in mind, the critical consideration when analyzing a movie lies on the theme (message or relevance of the film), story (which include the plot, storylines and dialogues, characters, and other symbolic elements such as costume and set up), cinematography and screenplay, and technical components like music, lights, camera shots, and transitions due to editing. Analyzing the Content of a Movie In analyzing the content of a film, critics must look deeply into the movie’s theme, story, plot and storyline and dialogues. Moreover, he or she must also consider the characters and their relationship with the story and other actors, the setting where the shots took place, and the sequence of scenes. The Theme The theme is important, for this shows the relevance of the film in the current time. This also represents the purpose of the director or the goal that the film is trying to communicate to the audience. Boggs and Petrie (2008) identified some goals the movies try to convey. This includes entertaining the viewer, providing a character sketch of a renowned personality, or increasing the audiences awareness on a certain issue of nationalistic or personal concern. Meanwhile, if the movie is in abstract terms wherein the movie tends to create confusion on its theme, one may just describe or narrate the movie to someone who has not watched it, and the theme will come out. As Boggs and Petrie (2008) put it, when an audience narrates a story they have just read or watched, the tendency is that they will describe first the events that made the strongest effect or impression to them. Aside from the major theme, some movies have minor themes which are not substantive enough to be regarded as a full theme. Movie critics call this motif. Motifs are ideas or symbols which are repeated throughout the movie but are not identified as a major theme. Examples of motifs are personalized advertising, identity recognition, technology validation, and symbols which embody all-seeing beings. These are mostly evident in a company or organization-sponsored movies. In the movie â€Å"Knowing† which stars Nicholas Cage as John the Cosmology professor, the major theme is about knowing or predicting events (usually accident or tragedy) that will occur in the near future. Events are predicted through the use of a number arranged in a pattern on a written paper. After decoding this pattern, John tasked himself to solve the mystery, warn the public, and stop the predicted tragedy from taking place. Motifs seen in the film are the repeated appearance of unusual beings (aliens who look like human) and the appearance of black stones. The repetitive appearance of these two could not be regarded as a major theme such as alien invasion; instead, they serve as a clue for John to solve the mystery (Blumenthal, Tisch, Black Proyas, 2009). The Story After identifying the theme of the movie, the critic can now proceed to dissecting the story that the film is trying to narrate to the audience. A film story is composed of the plot, the characters, and the symbolic element. In analyzing a movie story, one must carefully and critically look at the storyline and dialogues that were used in the movie. Moreover, to analyze a story is to look whether the plot flows easily from one scene to another, thus making the film realistic or believable. According to Boggs and Petrie (2008), in analyzing a plot, one should explore the time element used in the movie (linear, nonlinear) and the relationship of the scenes portrayed in the climax and in the ending of the film. Are the use of time element and the scenes believable? Does the plot convey a universal truth about the world or human nature, or is it just a fantastic adaptation of truth? One should also take into account if the actors are being realistic on their actions, facial expressions, delivery of dialogue, and manner of wearing their costume. Are the characters credible in making the audience believe that they are part of the whole reality? This is important because even if the movie has a fascinating and catchy cinematography, the movie will result in a catastrophe if the dialogues are not appealing or interesting and the dialogue delivery by the actors is poor and not convincing. In the film â€Å"Knowing,† the plot was presented in a linear (time) manner in which the scenes developed from less complicated to more complex portrayal. The film was able to explain how the conflict arrived (this was narrated in the first part of the movie), and the solution to the conflict, as expected, was presented in the denouement. However, the incorporation of the alien beings in the story makes it unbelievable, and the given solution to the problem was not viable. In the film, aliens were portrayed as the savior of mankind. They are the ones predicting the occurrence of the tragedy or accident and communicating it to human beings with the use of numbers. They were also the ones to decide who will die and who will be saved to continue the race of the living (Blumenthal, Tisch, Black Proyas, 2009). On the other hand, the characters in the movie are presented effectively such that their actions and dialogues depict the theme and the story of the movie that the filmmakers are trying to relate to the audience. John is a cosmology professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His son is Caleb, a seven-year old boy with a hearing defect so he is using hearing aid. John’s wife died in a fire tragedy, which made him believe that in the randomness of the occurrence of events, meaning that there are no specific relationships of events; everything that happens is purely coincidence. He lived with this belief until the day Caleb received the letter written by Lucinda Emerly (a gifted girl who was used by aliens to predict the future) from the time capsule buried in Caleb’s school 50 years ago. This letter was composed of numbers arranged in a pattern. As John was trying to decode the numbers, he found out that the numbers represent the dates, specific locations, and number of people who died in different tragedies, but there were events that are yet to happen. This urged him to solve the mystery. In the process of unraveling the mystery behind the numbers, John sought Diana, the daughter of Lucinda. Incidentally, Abby, daughter of Diana, also happened to inherit her grandmother’s gift, and like Caleb, she can also hear the voice of the aliens who seemed to be whispering into their heads. Thus, in the movie, the portrayal of the characters was in accordance to what is needed by the prophecy. John is an intelligent professor of science and Caleb is a gifted boy, while Diana and Abby are both related to Lucinda, the one who wrote the numbers. The story of Knowing revolves around these characters each of who play a part in solving the mystery. The two men have the intelligence or information that could be helpful in solving the problem while the two ladies have the history of Lucinda (Blumenthal, Tisch, Black Proyas, 2009). The setting or background used in the film is also important to analyze. A film with a fascinating story, good characters, appealing dialogues, and uniform scenes but was shot in a location not adequate to its portrayal is a disaster. Thus, film directors are careful in choosing shot locations which would enhance not only the cinematography of the film but also the story as a whole. Scientific films mostly have research laboratories as setting; environmental films are set in forest and seas; and horror films are shot in a scary location such as a haunted house. Familiar locations could made films appear realistic and could also establish relationship with the audience. To analyze the setting, one must look at the storyline and the portrayals of actions. Lastly, symbolisms are used in the film to add depth to the story or reinforce the film’s theme. According to Boggs and Petrie (2008), symbols are repeated to emphasize the theme of the film. They could be metaphoric in nature, for their value in the story surpasses the value they normally signify. In films, actors can give specific value of an object to increase its significance to the audience. Critical reception of symbolism in movies depends on whether the symbol is novel or a cliche. In the movie â€Å"Knowing,† numbers are symbols of components (date, location, number of victims) of events that need to be interpreted by actors and the audience. Moreover, the black stones are signs where the solution for the given problem could be found. The hearing aid of Caleb malfunctions when the aliens are near him and when they are trying to communicate something. The Genre To find out whether one is doing the right thing in analyzing the film, one should take into consideration the genre of the film. Genre classification of film could be science fiction, action, comedy, horror, drama, romance, character sketch of a renowned personality, and social or political representation of an issue, among others. The recognition of a film’s genre can help the film critic to distinguish the truths presented in the movie. For film critics, a movie which has lots of symbols and metaphors, is not novel (same old stories), has no originality, and relies too much on cliches is merely a junk. It is also important to note that there are films which cannot be categorized into one particular genre. The movie â€Å"Knowing† falls under the genres science fiction, drama, and action (Blumenthal, Tisch, Black Proyas, 2009).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Identity and Belonging Essay Example for Free

Identity and Belonging Essay My family and I left the Kabul for Pakistan in 1995. Our dream was a better life a life which we could sleep a night with peace a life which we could walk with no fair. Me and my father we were working as labour for a small company, it was 50/km far from our home and we were going there by my dad`s bicycle. The work was hard everything was hard there, but when I was coming home and looking that my brothers and sisters are having book to read and they are going to school, we have something to eat and no one is here try to kill us I was felling like i have everything. With our straggle and hard working in 1999 my dad buy a house we moved there our life was becoming more comfortable we were happy. But we didn’t know that now something really bad is running after us. A really nasty day my dad was sick at home I was coming from work it was 7pm, I saw a car blocked my way four guy was standing beside the care they abused me with a really bad language and said come to car, i run to fight with them two of them took out the gun and shot near to my feat , one of them came near to me and hit me with the gun I fall down, when I weak up, it was a dark house my head was full of blood. I remember, the days which my dad was taken to Taliban’s prising because he was translator of American embassy. My dad was too keen that get him out of that, for me it was impossible. After six years, here is now three more guys with me, they are using us as cleaner dish washer cocks any kind of work. Every day we were planning to escape from there but we couldn’t. In 2009 we scaped from there but just three of us get succeed. I came back to Pakistan to find my family but no one was there they escaped from Pakistan too. I didn’t know where to go i went to my dad`s friend place, he told me my dad went to Iran and after 5 years he went to Australia, so my dad and all the family was in Australia. I was really happy by hearing that because they were save now. I get the number and call him, he told me he will sponsor me and i will be there in just one year but it was too hard to stay one day because the Taliban’s were still after me. So i chooses illegal way to came to us, went to Indonesia we were 80 people in boat a small boat, he told me he will sponsor me and i will be there in just one year but it was too hard to stay one day because the Taliban’s were still after me.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Problems And Prospect Of Information Technology

Problems And Prospect Of Information Technology Information is power. Without up to date and correct information men and organization cannot take appropriate decision in time. Information is a base for development. It is a grass root for the human life style. Information has changed the entire scenario of the society. Nobody can deny the importance of the information in the modern changing world. Economic development of the country depends on the information, coordination and transformation among the departments. Information Technology (IT) is a part of research and scientific knowledge. Information Technology played a tremendous role to channelize and control the social and human resources. After globalization liberalization and privatisation, information technology is the need of the hour in the country. In the global market IT sector has played a vital role to make the world as a global village. IT sector has given a platform for the scientist and educationist to create a new world, where there is no bifurcation on the basis of geographical region, ethnicity, caste, creed and religion. A day will come where the IT will create a world of civilization for the human being. The whole world now days is enjoying the benefit of IT achievements. The Jharkhand state was created on 15th November 2000.Now it is a separate state. There are other two state got separated, but in terms of development these two states has gone far ahead in comparison with Jharkhand. it is due to the absence backwardness of information Technology(IT) industries. If the Jharkhand government wants to make the Jharkhand development they must ensure the development of IT industries in Jharkhand in the interest of the people. The young generation of Jharkhand wants to increase their ability to compete with other states. So the government must give full support to the young generation to create a new era of development and growth of Jharkhand. Presently IT firms in Ranchi are unorganized. They are in the initial phase of its value chain. Most of them are only into trading, and providing services. There are very few firms who are into web designing and software development. Freelance IT consulting is also identified here because of the defragmented and unorganized IT industry. Unorganized sector is not able to provide satisfying salary and career development, because of low bargaining power of IT professionals. Most of the potential work forces are moving out from here for better job and career prospect because of these problems. The emergence of freelance consultancy is also one of its outcomes. The presence of IT firm is limited in terms of their operation. They are only into trading and providing IT solutions, there is no firm in manufacturing the IT related products. The list of important IT firm in Ranchi is given below:-[1] IT firms in Ranchi: Sl.No. Name Location Organization type 1 Chokhani Computers pvt. Ltd. Ranchi club complex, main road Ranchi Hardware supplier 2 Computer Network Near NIIT, Ranchi Hardware Suppliers 3 Computer India Near Roshapa tower,Main road Ranchi Hardware suppliers 4 Origin Infotech Commerce building, behind Mahaveer Tower,main road Ranchi Hardware suppliers 5 Computer Gallery Sainik Market, Main road Ranchi Hardware suppliers 6 Technocrat(Kolkatta based firm) Roshapa tower, main road Ranchi 7 SAISH ENTERPRISE Sen Villa, P.P. compound ,Ranchi IT Service provider 8 EXPRESS INFO SERVICES Ranchi Web designing 9 BSNL BSNL, Ranchi (Internet service provider)ISP 10 Reliance India ltd Ranchi ISP 11 SIFY Ranchi ISP 12 Zero Worries Ranchi ISP [1]. EXPRESS INFO BOOK (2006-2008). The information technology (IT) industry has become the most innovative and largest industries in the world. This sector has increased their productivity in developed and developing country. They are viewed as key driver of global economic growth. Economies of scale and increased demand from both consumers and enterprises are responsible for its rapid growth. The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) explains the information technology as encompassing all possible aspects of information systems based on computers. It incorporates the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. [2] Researchers in Information Technology (IT) have defined information as data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the recipient and is of real or perceived value in current or prospective actions or decisions(G. Devis, 1985). Technology has been defined as practical im ­plementations of intelligence. (F. Ferre, 1988).Tech ­nology is practical or useful, rather than being an end in itself. Information Technology (IT) is defined as technology used to acquire and process information in support of human purposes. It is typically instantiated as IT systems complex organizations of hardware, software, procedures, data, and people, devel ­oped to address tasks faced by individuals and groups, typically within some organizational set ­ting (March Smith, 1995). Information Technology industry: Information technology industry is defined as an industry where, there are number of firms producing, designing, selling and procuring IT products and services and competing with each other for profit, growth and economic development. [2]. Information technology deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information. Both software development and the hardware involved in the IT industry include everything from computer systems, to the design, implementation, study and development of IT and management systems. The demand for IT services has increased substantially over the years because of its easy accessibility and the wide range of IT products available. The IT sector has emerged as a major global source of both growth and employment. Nobody can forget the contribution extended by late Honourable Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in the field of Information Technology (IT). He was the pioneer of the IT industry in modern India He introduced and implemented the application and use of Information Technology (IT) in various field in his tenure of 1986-1990. It is still a promising sector in India. It has generated revenues for both the domestic as well as the global market. Indias IT potential has attracted even multinationals to grab a share of profit in the IT boom. A significant rate of returns compelled them to invest and open their new units in India. The different states of India has also developed their core competency in IT sector and emerged as a global player (eg. Infoysis,TCS,Satyam,HCL,Wipro,etc).The growth in IT sector is because of the availability of the competent workforce in all section of the society. The large number of trained workforce was made possible in every part of India is because of the favourable government policies, educational institutions and the society at large. The women workforces Interest and competency towards this sector is also responsible for its rapid development and growth. Importance of IT Park in Jharkhand: The concept of IT Park in Jharkhand has taken its shape recently for the betterment of the society. The main objective to have an IT park in Ranchi district is to make them aware about the knowledge and importance of Information technology for their productive use. The IT Park will provide an opportunity to understand the positive aspect of Information Technology in this state. It will also remove the fear among the people towards the use and importance of IT industries. Historical Background The Indian Information Technology industry was started in the year way back in 1980. INFOYSIS was the first IT Company established in the year 1992 by Narayan murthy. After that, the Indian software industry has grown from a mere US $ 150 million in 1991-92 to a staggering US $ 5.7 billion (including over $4 billion worth of software exports) in 1999-2000. No other Indian industry has performed so well against the global competition. The annual growth rate of Indias software exports has been consistently over 50 percent since 1991. As per the projections made by the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) for 2000-2001.Indias software exports would be around $ 6.3 billion, in addition to $ 2.5 billion in domestic sale. Indian Software Industry 1995-2000 (US $ million) 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01* Domestic software Market 490 670 920 1250 1700 2450 Software Exports 734 1085 1750 2650 4000 6300 Indian Software Industry 1224 1755 2670 3900 5700 8750 (* Source: NASSCOM Report, 2001- 2002) The Indian information technology sector has been instrumental in driving the nations economy onto the rapid growth curve. According to the NASSCOM-Deloitte study, the IT and Information Technology Enable services (ITES) industrys contribution to the countrys Gross Domestic product (GDP)has increased to a share of 5.2 per cent in 2007, as against 1.2 per cent in 1998. The IT and BPO industries revenues are worth US$ 64 billion by the end of fiscal year 2008, registering a growth of 33 per cent with exports expected to cross US$ 40 billion and the domestic market estimated to clock over US$ 23 billion, according to a study. Simultaneously, the Indian IT services market is estimated to remain the fastest growing in the Asia Pacific region with a Cumulative Aggregate (CAGR) of 18.6 per cent, as per a study by Springboard Research. Indias IT growth in the world is primarily dominated by IT software and services such as Custom Application Development and Maintenance (CADM), System Integration, IT Consulting, Application Management, Infrastructure Management Services, Software testing, Service-oriented architecture and Web services. A report by the Electronics and Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) estimates software exports to register a 33 per cent growth in the current financial year with export figures during FY 2008 expected to reach US$ 45 billion. The countrys IT exports have, in fact, come quite far, starting from a few million dollars in the early 1990s. The Government expects the exports turnover to touch US$ 80 billion by 2011, growing at an annual rate of 30 per cent per annum. [3] Significance of the Research project: The significance of this research project is manifold .Few important ones are stated below:- The Importance of Information Technology cannot be ignored by organizations and the society as well, because it has contributed significantly in the economic growth of India. Organizations and Society at all level has benefited out of this development prospects. At the same time development in this sector is supported by The Government. They are providing infrastructures to provide the basic awareness and education in the field of Information Technology (IT). First, this research study would bring the true scenario of IT sector in Jharkhand. [3]. NASSCOM REPORT (2000-2001) The development prospect is profitable in almost all possible sectors in Jharkhand, so, the emphasis on IT sector is a step towards understanding it in a more systematic way. 4) The possibility of future success in Jharkhand would be identified with the help of appropriate research methodology and tools. Domestic growths trends will be identified by the researchers in this sector. 5) The growth status in Jharkhand would provide important additional information about this industry for future development decision. The investigation of the problems and prospects in this sector would also bring more insight in the field of present research. The contribution of this research is towards the industrys benefit and also toward the benefit of the society in terms of employment generation opportunity. Objectives of the research project: To investigate the present status of IT industries in Jharkhand. To investigate the problems related to IT industries. To investigate the new prospect compare to other industries. To find out the contribution of IT industries in the employment generation. To find out the contribution of IT industries on working culture and employee health. Types of IT industries. There are different types of Software Company working in India. Their products and services are different from each other. Few of them are into software developing and some of them are more towards designing and producing hardware. Some of them are only into distributing the products and providing services to the customers and consumers. There are few which have only local and domestic influence but there are few which have domestic as well as global influence. Ultimately they all are contributing towards the economic development and employment generation in a best possible way. The categories of IT industries may be classified and identified on the basis of:- Geographical operation Investment Products Services Size Operation Target segment There are two major classifications in terms of geographical operation: 1. Multinationals IT firm 2. Domestic IT firm Indias domestic market has also become a force to reckon, with the existing IT infrastructure evolving both in terms of technology and depth of penetration. Global IT companies as well as domestic biggies like IBM, Accenture, HP, TCS, HCL and Wipro have witnessed a remarkable growth in their business. The domestic information technology business has become more attractive. India Incs demand for IT services and products has strengthened the growth in the domestic sector. The Role of Jharkhand government in promoting IT sectors/industries:- Rules and Regulations The Information Technology was introduced in India by the Honourable prime minister Late Rajiv Gandhi with an aim to make the India self reliant in every sector to equal the world. After Liberalization privatization and globalization the IT knowledge for industries and entrepreneurs of public and private sector and government offices was the need of the hour to dispose the work scientifically with zero percent faults. The government of India passed a regulation in the year 1998 to compete in the global market by promoting IT sector in a best possible way. The government of India extended liberal rules and regulation to establish the IT industries. The Jharkhand Government has also adopted the similar rules and regulations to promote the IT industry in a view to contribute to the states and countrys economic and societal development. The rules and regulations related to IT industries are given below:- 1. Info-Infrastructure Drive: Accelerate the drive for setting up a world class Info-Infrastructure with an extensive spread of Fibre Optic Network, Satcom networks and Wireless networks for seamlessly interconnecting the Local Informatics Infrastructure (LII), National Informatics Infrastructure (NII) and the Global Informatics Infrastructure (GII) to ensure a fast nation-wide onset of the INTERNET, EXTRANETs and INTRANETs. Coordinate with all Central Government and private agencies involved in putting together the Info-Infrastructure in Jharkhand and actively put supplementary connectivity to the last mile. Requests made by STPs would be acted on within two weeks of receipt. In this regard, any renovation or construction of State Highways, new power transmission lines and new township development projects would look into the possibility of adding Optical Fibre network in these projects. 2 With Indias potential to achieve $50 billion dollar of IT exports by 2008, policy ambiance will be created for Jharkhand IT industry to target for a $ 5 billion annual export by the year 2010. 3 IT for all by 2010: Accelerate the rate of computer penetration in the state so that it reaches a penetration of one per 50 people by the year 2010. Towards the goal of IT for all by 2010, policies are provided for setting the base for a rapid spread of IT awareness among the citizens, propagation of IT literacy, networked Government, IT-led economic development, rural penetration of IT applications, training citizens in the use of day-to-day IT services like tele-banking, tele-medicine, tele-education, tele-documents transfer, tele-library, tele-info-centres, electronic commerce, public call centres, among others; and training, qualitatively and quantitatively, world class IT professionals. 4 Coordinate with all Central Government and private agencies involved in putting together the Info-Infrastructure in Jharkhand and actively put supplementary connectivity to the last mile. Requests made by STPs would be acted on within two weeks of receipt. In this regard, any renovation or construction of State Highways, new power transmission lines and new township development projects would look into the possibility of adding Optical Fibre network in these projects. 5 To provide Info Infrastructure to all areas with access to power within a period of 2 years. 6 To deliver e-governance, computerise the secretariat functioning within 2 years and allocate at least 2% of the departmental budget for IT related development. 7 To create a network right down to the block level administration within 2 years and bring the village level e-governance by 2005. 8. Promote IT Habitats in the rural hinterland adjacent to cities with modern telecom and communications infrastructure along with top class educational/research institutions. 9 Create a Centre of excellence like IIIT in and around Ranchi and Regional Engineering Colleges through private participation. 10 Government to support all development of IT support services in regional language. 12 State Institutes of Public administration would be re-engineered to help bring about IT responsive State administration. 14 Suitable floor space in Government buildings, which are not utilised during non-office hours, would be considered to be given to private educational institutions for IT training purposes in return for a proportionate number of free nominations of Government employees for IT training. 15 Feasibility of introducing a Citizen ID Number for creation of state wide database will be explored. 16 SPECIAL INCENTIVES FOR THE IT INDUSTRY Exemption from environmental clearance Exemption from zoning regulations for purposes of location Self-certification for purposes of compliance of the following Acts: Water and Air Pollution Act , Factories Act , Employment Exchange (Notification of vacancies) Act , · Payment of Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act , Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act , Workmen Compensation Act , Shops and Establishments Act ; etc. d. General permission to run a three-shift operation e. The Government would provide rebate in the cost of land allotted to an IT Industry @ 0.25% of the cost of land per job created subject to the following conditions: f. For establishing IT industries in the existing structures located in the industrial areas under IADA. Concessions will be in the form of rebate on registration charges and stamp duty for sale / lease of such built-up space to the IT industry in the following manner: Sl.No. Duration during which facilities established and sold/leased Rebate Admissible 1. 1-8-2001 to 31-3-2003 90% 2 1-4-2003 to 31-3-2004 70% 3 1-4-2004 to 31-3-2005 50% (g) Similar concessions would also be admissible for establishing IT infrastructure facilities on private/Government land. This concession would be available only for such localities which are notified by the Industries Department and which provide certain minimum facilities like uninterrupted/backup power, reliable telecom links etc. (h) This concession would be available only for the first transaction when the first sale by IADA / Other concern is made to an IT industry. The above concession would also be available on the purchase of land by an IT Industry establishing an IT park for its own use provided it does not avail the concessions in para 16.e. [4] Present scenario of IT industry in Jharkhand: The Government of Jharkhand, recognising the impressive growth of the IT sector in the country, has resolved to make Jharkhand an IT powerhouse and a front runner in the Information revolution. The government considers IT as an agent of transformation of every facet of human life which will bring about knowledge based society. 8. Hypotheses of the research project: Growth of Information Technology is positively related to the availability of the competent work force. Development of IT industries is positively associated with Socio-economic growth of the state. Development and growth of IT Industries in Jharkhand is dependent on the government policy. [4]. 9. Research design and Methodology: The structure and strategy of overall procedure by which we intend to gain more knowledge of a specific research problem or a specific aspect of the society is termed as Research Design. F.N. Kerlinger stated that Research design is a plan structure and strategy of investigation conceived to obtain an answer to research question and to control variance. The descriptive research design will be administered for this research project. In descriptive research design both quantitative and qualitative techniques are involved. The quantitative description and qualitative methods is used through the use of questionnaire and Interview method. Survey research method will be administered Quantitative and qualitative Methods: Questionnaires on problems and prospect of IT industries Questionnaire on IT industries performance. Sample design and their Characteristics Data collection and interpretation. 10. Tentative Chapterization of Research work: Introduction(Meaning, objective, conceptual definition ,significance, importance, Hypotheses) Historical Background of IT industries in Jharkhand. Impact of IT industries in Jharkhand (Ranchi) on employment, income generation and work culture. Important IT industries in Ranchi District. Role of government in the development of IT sector in Jharkhand(rules and regulations) Problems of IT industries. Prospect of IT industries in Jharkhand Finding and suggestions

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Internet :: essays research papers

Last December the express and package delivery giant announced that it had taken an equity position in NetCel360, a provider of business-to -business e-commerce solutions for companies operating in the Asia Pacific region. The investment was made through UPS's Strategic Enterprise Fund, established in 1997 to invest in new markets and emerging technologies. The alliance hopes to provide the sort of supply-chain transparency in Asia that is available in other parts of the world. "One of the reasons for NetCel and UPS getting together is to provide full supply-chain integration," said Peter Winslow, managing director of UPS Worldwide Logistics for Asia Pacific. "People expect to have information available at every point along the chain. Today that is not available in the region." NetCel360 was founded in 1998 by Phillip E. Kelly, who previously had put in 14 years at Motorola followed by a move to Dell Computer in 1994. At Dell, Kelly was in charge of the Asia Pacific region where he built up a made-to-order, direct sales operation similar to the Dell infrastructure in the United States. In the process, he became aware of the unique challenges faced by companies seeking to expand their Internet-based operations in the diverse and complex region. "The Internet market in the U.S. is built upon a significant infrastructure that was built up by direct sales and catalog guys," said Kelly. "Asia Pacific does not have the same infrastructure to enable e-commerce." It's going to need one, though. Kelly said e-commerce in the region is expected to grow from $3.3 billion in 1998 to over $100 billion by 2003, while the number of Internet users is expected to increase from 30 million to over 100 million. To capitalize on that growth rate, Kelly founded NetCel360 in 1998 to provide one-stop outsourcing services and help companies establish pan-Asian relationships along their supply chains. Services include web consulting and design, field repair capabilities, call centers, customer interface and a full range of financial and translation services. Kelly is bullish on Asia. The economic crisis has largely abated, he said, and money and optimism are returning to the region. Partnering with UPS Logistics Group, one of the leaders in global logistics and supply-chain management solutions, is also cause for joy. "Asia Pacific is so diverse and government regulations are so vast;' said Kelly. "There are different currency languages for each of 50 countries. It's not like moving product from Arizona to Tennessee. UPS provides full logistics across the region. That's the critical component of our alliance." Kelly cited credit card payments as an example of the difficulties of doing e-commerce in

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

American Jefferson Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"American Sphinx: The character of Thomas Jefferson† A book by Joseph J. Ellis. Copyright 1997 Vintage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Joseph J. Ellis, a historian who was educated at the College of William and Mary and Yale, is a Ford Foundation Professor of History at Mount Holyoke University. He has written four books on historical topics, centered on the time Jefferson was alive, dealing with issues and personalities Jefferson dealt with firsthand. After authoring a book on a politician such as John Adams, Ellis seems to have felt a need or want to focus on Jefferson, presumably because of his status as founding father and main contributor to the constitution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ellis’s thesis in American Sphinx can be summed up by the quote in the prologue by James Parton: â€Å"If Jefferson was wrong, America is wrong. If America is right, Jefferson is right.† However, Ellis gave the impression that he was brought reluctantly to the task of researching and writing so extensively on Jefferson. Perhaps he was spurred on by the rebirth of interest in the Jefferson legacy. In recent years, the exposure of Jefferson’s affair and subsequent illegitimate children to a mulatto slave named Sally Hemings, and Ellis’s own experience of watching another scholar of Jefferson imitate him to near perfection probably inspired Ellis to add a few more notches to his authoring resume.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The influence Jefferson has over Ellis is apparent. He began college at a school founded by Jefferson, and is fond of a statue conspicuously facing the women’s dorms on campus. His professional research and scholarship always involved some indirect influence by Jefferson.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even so, in writing this book, Joseph Ellis has taken an unbiased approach to Jefferson, never smoothing over points and incidents in which Thomas had definitely misjudged. Ellis realizes that in reality, no politician or leading figure can ever amount to the ideal of perfection attributed to some, (i.e. Jesus Christ) but stands by Jefferson in the face of heavy critics who would defame Jefferson’s name and work based on issues and or mistakes that happened in life outside the political world. I have also noticed that Ellis, when quoting other Jeffersonian authors, will contradict the reference he quoted, but will not dispu... ...wn errors, which will never be intentional; and your support against the errors of others, who may condemn what they would not if seen in all it’s parts.† (Pg. 214) Quite profound in comparison to the speeches often heard today by Presidents who would never admit to any wrongdoing. (I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After his term of office was over, Jefferson led an active life in American ideals and politics. However, his life was never the same after his wife died, and many of the current criticisms of Jefferson stem from this post presidential period. It is my firm belief that Jefferson deserved no reprimand for his actions then, or now. To conclude, Jefferson has been turned into a hero to me by Ellis, and probably without Ellis intending to do so. A scholar such as Joseph warrants literary acclaim when he creates a biography that so wonderfully illustrates the life of a man to whom this nation owes so much. It is my intention to reread this book, and perhaps others he has read. Based on the fact that this is a book review, I will jump into Bill Cosby’s shoes, pretend I’m on Reading Rainbow, and sing a little song about this book.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Diathesis Stress Model

Diathesis- This is the genetic predisposition which the Genain children expressed through their father. Mr. Genain had various fears and obsessions such as patrolling the house because he was worried of a break in, forms of paranoia. Since paranoia is a symptom of schizophrenia it is likely that Mr. Genain was schizophrenic and he passed this gene onto the children. Later on, his actions created stress that triggered the schizophrenia in his children. Stress: Nora and Myra were considered the more superior set of twins and therefore were able to function better than Iris and Hester. This categorization is probably one of the first stressors that caused Iris and Hester to suffer the worst from the disorder. A stress that affected all of the children and helped trigger the disorder was Mr. Genain’s insistence on watching the girls dress and undress. Furthermore, his molestation of two of the girls made them more likely to develop schizophrenia. Part of the reason Nora was not as successful as Myra was because she was her father’s favorite sexual target which added more stress to her life. Another stressor that hurt Iris and Hester was when their parents had their clitoris’s were circumcised. Also, since Iris, Nora, and Myra began deteriorating after a man made improper advances this proves that stress played a prominent role in the signaling of schizophrenia. Myra was able to be the most functioning individual because she was her parent’s favorite and received the least objectionable attention, and therefore had the least amount of stress in her life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The last supper

The Dad Vinci code Picture says a lot of words Symbols in a picture. Spain: ASK robes. Are priest robes. Poseidon symbol of power Devils pitch fork Christianity, Mary. Pagan god hours century before Christianity understanding past to understand present write your own history, define original truth. People fear what they don't understand Follow Doctrine. Dad Vinci code trivial man star- finical religious icon, symbol for Venus female half. Goddess symbol. Knows the meaning of the symbol has nothing to do with the devil Confession.Monomials right was female the left was male French kind conquered Jerusalem orchestrated. Military arms knights invasion was to find an artifact lost at the time of Christianity Stop searching, quit the holy land. Cot 13, 1307 Friday. Holy grail. â€Å"look up† Jesus had one true message. Arose- symbol of holy grail. Holy grail, god power on earth. Critics, used to keep secrets. You write the info on a papyrus finger, force it open, secrete erases for ever. 12 million possibilities. Churches power on earth, holy grail bible.Constantine was a Christian was baptized on his death bed balance natures, goddess. Turmoil, young Jew named Jesus preaching love centuries after his certification agene create war in the Christianity Constantine pagan, unify Rome religion, Christianity, rise empire tore it apart. Council debated and voted, acceptance gospels date of Easter. Jesus was viewed by many of followers, man immortal man, who is god, who is man? People kill over the question last supper, dad Vinci. Jesus is in the middle. Breaking bread. Wine.How many wine glasses are on the table, a single cup. Both the bible, celebrate the holy grail. Represents aggression, V shape of a woman's womb ancient symbol of woman hood. Holy grail is a woman is in the last supper. The mind chooses what it wants to see. Smeared by the church. Mary macadamia – prostitute. Jesus wife. Jesus and Mary, clothes the same joined at the hip, the grail change position, next to Jesus leaning on him holy grail gospel, Phillip rejected, appear human and not unimportant Mary magnolia companion, spouse.Gospel Mary manacling: the savior made her worthy , Jesus to tell Mary, up to her to continue her church, not Peter. Church by woman descended by kings, Just like holy grail, French general. Royal blood, blood of Christ, Mary was pregnant at the time of the prosecution for her own safety, left the holy land and gave birth to the daughter Sara wrist had a blood line pagans, Joining of man and female, route to heaven, monopoly woman are a huge threat to the church.Witches hammer, torture all woman. 50,000 woman burn alive. Millions. Female child. Worth killing for. Witness the cover up in human history history protectors of the lining descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary magnolia keystone?map, lead us to holy grail guardian of the grail I am the messenger of god. Haunted by angels. God doesn't forgive murderer, he burns them knights swore to defe nd her kneel before her bones holy grail was lost In time Ephesians. Pope Rosella Chapel The Last Supper I know you missed class last week, but I would love to explain one of the important pieces of art we went over, The Last Supper, painted from 1495 to 1498. That day, we went over the history that led up to period of Modern Art. As Leonardo da Vinci painted this huge piece of art, 15 by 29 feet, he had purpose and meaning into every detail, which I will explain to you. The subject around Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper is based on the last meal Christ had with his twelve disciples before one of them betrays Jesus. Judas is the one that betrays Christ that leads to His death on the cross and Resurrection. This meal is also known as the Passover meal where Jesus broke the bread and drank the wine as remembrance of his body and blood that He sacrificed for all mankind. In the Bible (Matthew 26), Jesus says that the one who will betray Him is, â€Å"He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. † In the painting it displays Judas’ left hand and Jesus’ right hand reaching for the food. The Last Supper clearly displays classicism within its details. The biggest thing that Leonardo da Vinci displays in this art piece is Neo-Platonism. This idea or truth has God in the center of all things. It can be displayed as a triangle, which stands for the Trinity, and gives a sense of stability. In The Last Supper, we can see that Leonardo has Jesus in the center of everything, which you will see in the later descriptions. First sign of neoclassicism is the triangles that make up Jesus and next Him. The head of Christ makes the top of the triangle his hands make the bottom two corners. This is so important, since the triangle is upright. When a triangle is upright, it gives the meaning of stability. Therefore, where Christ is the center, there is stability. However, there is an upside down triangle next to Jesus. This is the sign of instability. I believe this is on that side of Jesus, because Judas is also on that side. We can tell that Judas is on this side, because one, both him and Jesus are both reaching for the food, and that is described in the Bible. Also in the Bible (Matthew 26:15) it says that Judas was given thirty pieces of silver to betray the Christ, and in Judas’ right hand it looks like he is holding a sack of coins. Lastly, Leonardo da Vinci painted Judas’ face different than all the others. His face is kind of blurred and is shaped oddly, which is unlike all the others. There are a lot of evidences of classicism in this painting. In this picture, Jesus is the focal point. One sign of classicism is in the lines and symmetry. All of the lines in the ceiling and walls all lead to the head of Jesus. The three windows in the background are symbolizing the Trinity, and the biggest one is framing Christ. This also makes Jesus stand out even more. Also everyone is either pointing to Jesus or are looking at Him. The bread and meal plates are all evenly spaced, which is the sign of classicism. Another sign of classicism in this painting, the colors are very complimentary. Jesus is especially bright in His red and blue. Leonardo did this on purpose, because he wanted to make Jesus stand out the most. This is why he chose red, the color that stands out the most in paintings. The last sign of classicism is the balance. On each side of Jesus, there are two sets of three disciples. The three disciples is a sign of the Trinity and the four groups is also a symbol of Plato’s four virtues. In conclusion, The Last Supper is a huge symbol of classicism and Neo-Platonism. Leonardo da Vinci had many meanings behind each and every detail, from the placement of the bread, to lines on the ceiling. I hope this helps you out a lot. There is a lot of information in just this little paper. The Last Supper I know you missed class last week, but I would love to explain one of the important pieces of art we went over, The Last Supper, painted from 1495 to 1498. That day, we went over the history that led up to period of Modern Art. As Leonardo da Vinci painted this huge piece of art, 15 by 29 feet, he had purpose and meaning into every detail, which I will explain to you. The subject around Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper is based on the last meal Christ had with his twelve disciples before one of them betrays Jesus. Judas is the one that betrays Christ that leads to His death on the cross and Resurrection. This meal is also known as the Passover meal where Jesus broke the bread and drank the wine as remembrance of his body and blood that He sacrificed for all mankind. In the Bible (Matthew 26), Jesus says that the one who will betray Him is, â€Å"He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. † In the painting it displays Judas’ left hand and Jesus’ right hand reaching for the food. The Last Supper clearly displays classicism within its details. The biggest thing that Leonardo da Vinci displays in this art piece is Neo-Platonism. This idea or truth has God in the center of all things. It can be displayed as a triangle, which stands for the Trinity, and gives a sense of stability. In The Last Supper, we can see that Leonardo has Jesus in the center of everything, which you will see in the later descriptions. First sign of neoclassicism is the triangles that make up Jesus and next Him. The head of Christ makes the top of the triangle his hands make the bottom two corners. This is so important, since the triangle is upright. When a triangle is upright, it gives the meaning of stability. Therefore, where Christ is the center, there is stability. However, there is an upside down triangle next to Jesus. This is the sign of instability. I believe this is on that side of Jesus, because Judas is also on that side. We can tell that Judas is on this side, because one, both him and Jesus are both reaching for the food, and that is described in the Bible. Also in the Bible (Matthew 26:15) it says that Judas was given thirty pieces of silver to betray the Christ, and in Judas’ right hand it looks like he is holding a sack of coins. Lastly, Leonardo da Vinci painted Judas’ face different than all the others. His face is kind of blurred and is shaped oddly, which is unlike all the others. There are a lot of evidences of classicism in this painting. In this picture, Jesus is the focal point. One sign of classicism is in the lines and symmetry. All of the lines in the ceiling and walls all lead to the head of Jesus. The three windows in the background are symbolizing the Trinity, and the biggest one is framing Christ. This also makes Jesus stand out even more. Also everyone is either pointing to Jesus or are looking at Him. The bread and meal plates are all evenly spaced, which is the sign of classicism. Another sign of classicism in this painting, the colors are very complimentary. Jesus is especially bright in His red and blue. Leonardo did this on purpose, because he wanted to make Jesus stand out the most. This is why he chose red, the color that stands out the most in paintings. The last sign of classicism is the balance. On each side of Jesus, there are two sets of three disciples. The three disciples is a sign of the Trinity and the four groups is also a symbol of Plato’s four virtues. In conclusion, The Last Supper is a huge symbol of classicism and Neo-Platonism. Leonardo da Vinci had many meanings behind each and every detail, from the placement of the bread, to lines on the ceiling. I hope this helps you out a lot. There is a lot of information in just this little paper.